
How to Improve Business Productivity and Teamwork

Be it business or any other field, teamwork and productivity are the most important aspects in order to bind an organization together and get it working effectively. 

Teamwork means that each and every member of the team takes an initiative towards the other and

it also knows how to accept and decline the suggestions and ideas of others. Productivity can only be witnessed if an atmosphere of friendliness and comfort is created in the company.

 It all depends on the physical and emotional environment of the company, that we decide how much will the company succeed. In fact, the students pursuing business administration are asked to write case studies of such companies which are successful today. 

Here they have to research a lot on the environment of the company and correlate it with the progress of it. Although it may seem very easy to do, but actually it is not. We need to analyze a lot of aspects, to come to any conclusion regarding this area. 

Therefore, there are a few things we must have knowledge about, so that we can finish our task without any case study help. Before the students get to their case studies, they have to go through a lot of research paper writings in order to succeed in the task, therefore, the points we are going to discuss, can simplify the task.

Business Productivity :

Be it a team of five hundred members, managing them is not at all an easy task. When we mention the words team, we automatically refer to a group of people with different mind sets, temperaments and personalities which can often lead to clashes resulting from miscommunication, thus impacting the workplace productivity to such an extent that managing even a small task can seem very big. 

However, if we get our hands on the correct trick to make things work out in a team, we can actually get fruitful results. You do not need to get all the people on the same page rather you just have to make them work together, directing them towards a common goal. 

There are teams which are quite productive and see more success than failures, but like they say there is always a chance of improvement. Therefore, let us understand how we will increase the productivity of our team by making it work in unison and in efficient manner: 

  • Make everyone responsible:

 Once you make it very clear to your team members that everybody has a responsibility for whatever comes to the team, they will start taking things more seriously and will have a sense of ownership.

 This will also help them take their own decisions, thus increasing their accountability. Since, the person has started seeing his business with a responsible eye, he may come up with more fruitful ideas and strategies. 


The person may start seeing his work from different lens,

understanding that his decisions may impact the performance of the entire team.

Giving ownership to all members of the team can be like letting them lead different projects,

making them assume separate roles in a task, and the like. 

This way it will also show the team members that you have faith on them and their capabilities who handle a specific job and when you try tuis method, you will realize that building up your team members self-esteem is really important for the overall progress of your team. 

  • Clarify communication expectations: 

Communication happens to be one of the basic factors, be it a team or not. But if we particularly talk about a team, communication is largely responsible for its productivity. 


Without a proper communication, businesses fall apart because miscommunication takes up a role which results in a lot of failures. There have been several research paper writings that have focused on communication being a important aspect in the success of several businesses. Therefore, the owners of a successful communication, within a team, lies on the project leader or manager. Communication also plays a pivotal role in helping the team members understand their responsibilities. In case, there is any communication gap in the team, it can lead to a lot of confusions regarding their roles, among the members which will definitely impact the overall productivity of the team. 


Whether you have to deliver employ training, get new employs functioning, or have to convey some important information, you can resort to such channels of communication wherein this scope of confusion is minimum. 

  • Know your team: 

As stated earlier, each team has different, members who come together in order to achieve a common goal. It cannot be denied that every human being has some hidden talents that can be utilized some day or the other.


 A team leader is a person who is responsible to look through his members and understand their strengths and weaknesses. There may be some members who themselves do not have any knowledge about their talents therefore, the team leader has to take the responsibility of honing such a person’s skills and putting them to the best use of the team so that the team can be a productive one.


 Once the team members realize this thing, even they start taking initiative to contribute to the team discussion 

  • Include team building exercises:

 Imagine that your team members do not share a good equation with each other. In such a case will you be able to get productive results out of your work? Having some team building exercises will help the team members understand each other better as well as get along with each other.


 Each one of them will have knowledge of each other’s strengths and weaknesses using

which they can help the team get more productive results.

So, the main purpose of these team building exercises,

is to reduce any kind of animosity between the team members and make the team a happy one. 

  • Project management software: 

Today, the role of project management software is an undeniable one because it helps in boosting teamwork and productivity. 


If you have the right project management toll,

you can get help in effective work management and proper collaboration between team members.

 An example of such tool is ProofHub which bring together clients,

team members and projects together at one place and also has features like discussions and group chat using which

you can increase your productivity to next level. 

  • Effective work environment: 

A good work environment along with a proper infrastructure are a few essentials that help increase team efficiency and productivity. Based on a recent research paper writing, it was concluded that physical environment has a great impact on how employs feel,

think and perform at workplace. 


Because of this reason several business organizations have started paying more attention on their office interiors. They make sure that comfortable furniture, bright light and a soothing wallpaper and atmosphere is created in the office. The seniors in the office also try to get on more friendly terms in order to facilitate the same. 

  • Incentivize:

 Nobody will keep on performing the same monotonous task with best of their skills

, if they feel that they are not being rewarded for their efforts. Everyone wants their efforts to be appreciated. Therefore, a monetary appreciation will serve the need and keep the employs motivated as well. You can also provide vouchers or some paid vacation opportunities for the same. 

  • Intrude less:

 Everybody likes to work well if they are not interfered with in their task. Provide an environment wherein your employs are free to work as they like and manage things their way. One of the best possible ways to do this is to distribute the responsibilities ad define your expectations clearly to

your employs and then slowly move out of the way. Now, you should also remember that you should be approachable whenever your members need your help or have any doubt. Show confidence in your team and you will get back fruitful results. 

  • Learn to appreciate: 

You must praise your employs for even the minor achievements

they have made so that you can boost the productivity of you team and make them work efficiently. 

If you acknowledge the efforts of your employs, they will feel more valued and try to perform better the next time. This will also inspire and motivate them and make them a confident person. Thus, a healthy work environment will be created.

  • Provide feedbacks: 

This one is the most important point because it acts as a climbing step to success. If you provide constructive feedbacks to your team members, it will help them understand their areas of improvement and also boost their productivity.

 They will be able to make some changes in the working pattern and come up with better results. Also, tell them what step they can take in order to improve and guide them a little. This will facilitate a culture of open dialogue between

the team members so that the things could be make easier in future. 

Therefore, these were a few points that teams as well as business organizations can keep in mind,

while they are working upon boosting their productivity and efficiency. Students studying business administration can also take Assignment Help from these points.

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