
Guide to Ayurvedic Skin Care Products Usage

Ayurvedic practices are widely practiced all over the world. Ayurveda is not only a science but also a way of life and living that has been practiced by sages and saints for centuries. This same lifestyle and its principles have been made into textbooks that are now used as manuscripts to help the modern generation to follow the path of Ayurveda.


Ayurvedic principles involve the usage of natural and organic ingredients and the method of preparation is also very traditional and holistic. Ayurvedic wellness products, ayurvedic medicinal products, and ayurvedic skin care products are all very helpful in achieving wonderful health results as they are made completely with safe and organic methods and ingredients that are handpicked by ayurvedic practitioners.


Ayurvedic Skin Care Products


There are many kinds of Ayurvedic skin care products that are now made available in the market. All of these products may not come from recognized brands and consumers need to be aware of picking the right products made by the right manufacturers.


A good quality ayurvedic product is hallmarked by the Ayush India board, which is the presidential board of authority for all Ayurvedic products in India. When buying any ayurvedic product, one must always check for this hallmark so that they can be assured that the product is in fact original and wholly ayurvedic.


Doshas and Skin Care


Ayurvedic skin care products come under the wide umbrella of Ayurvedic health and wellness products. The skin care products are designed to take good care of the skin and help in healing skin conditions such as oily skin, acne-prone skin, dry skin, etc.


Skin care issues are caused by the imbalance of doshas in the body. There are 3 kinds of Doshas in the body, which are basically any type of disturbance in the hormonal or functional state of the body:


Pitta Dosha
Vata Dosha
Kapha Dosha


Each kind of dosha has a significant impact on the functional level of the body such as in the way the organs work. These doshas also give rise to subsequent skin conditions such as oily skin, acne-prone skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, inflamed or irritated skin, etc.

Ayurvedic skin care products help in counteracting these imbalances in the body and help in correcting these skin issues. Those who have Vata Dosha in their body have dry and rough skin. These types of users need skin care products that have essential oils and moisturizing agents that occur naturally.


Products such as aloe vera gel, coconut oil, soothing saffron cream, Ashwagandha lotions, etc can help in correcting the skin texture. These ingredients have a moisturizing quality that can soften the skin and make the skin texture smooth.


Those who have Kapha and Pitta dosha tend to have oily skin that is prone to acne, inflammation, and irritation due to environmental factors. These skin type users must rely on exfoliation to get rid of dead skin cells that can accumulate oil and bacteria which eventually cause acne.


Cooling agents such as aloe vera gel, neem, and basil for germ protection and turmeric that has anti-inflammatory properties can help in retexturizing this type of skin and help this skin glow from within and stay problem-free.


Ayurvedic products such as skin creams, skin lotions, gels, lepam, and herbal oils can help in achieving great skin by correcting the fundamental dosha issues in the body and helps in calming the skin and making it glow naturally.

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