
Take your brand to the next level: 8 logo design tips and tricks

Have you ever heard of a brand vibe? No? Let me tell you that brand vibe is something you want your customers to feel about your brand in a certain way. At times we call it a brand personality and certainly all of us have heard of it more often. And it should complement and be consistent in everything such as your logo, content, and most importantly in your brand guideline. Let me tell you one thing if you have already discovered your brand vibe the logo design process would be really easy. Besides, you can tell everything that’s in your mind to the logo design agency for getting the design as per your expectations.

We all are aware of the fact that logos are really important. They can be challenging to design but they are crucial for any company, brand, or business. For designing a logo you need to ask yourself some questions such as what your business is about or what your motive is and last but not least what you want to explain through your logo. Also, your logo is going to be included in your marketing items, social posts, and presentation decks. So, you need to get it right. Does it seem too much? Don’t worry! Here are some tips and tricks for you to design your logo right.


Designing Tips and tricks for an appealing logo

A picture says a lot

Visual whim is considered to be the designer’s best friend. Have you seen a frost bites logo? Where they have created a picture with a quirky bite on it which shows them they are a food company. Instead of telling people what you do, you can use pictures to show who you are. Because we know that logo is said to be a visual representation of your brand. So, why not show them what you got? Utilize simple icons to show what you do.


Make use of empty space in your logo

If you want people to read your logo from the distance, you need it to be clean and not messy. This means you should use empty spaces to make your logo readable and understandable from far away. “Less is more” everybody has heard it so many times but if you can’t implement it then what’s the point. And because of this, your logo can blend into different designs easily.


Utilize shapes

Shapes with fascinating slopes or surfaces can be utilized to push the design to a higher level. This technique can be really amazing to make your logo stand out from the competition. In fact, these kinds of logos work with cross-platform imprinting as the logos with shapes utilized, work well digitally.


Color is the key element

As we all know that color plays an important role in depicting the picture we are trying to portray to our customers. For instance, you are serious firm and you decide to use bright and lively colors on your logo. It can be a big mistake! Because you know these colors belong to the brands with a more lively vibe such as the kid’s brand. Always choose the colors that can complement your brand or organization. Or if you are having difficulty in deciding, you can ask for professional advice from any logo design agency in your region.


Be precise with your logo

If your brand or company name is a thing, you can use the picture of it in your logo design. Yes, it does work! Have you seen an Apple logo? Their company logo is well an apple. You don’t always need something extra, you can be simple and still outshine.


Make your logo design memorable

As I have told you before that you can be simple and stand out. So, make sure you are designing a logo that is memorable for people. Don’t complicate it! Moreover, you know that people remember what they see more than what they hear or read. So, you can use a symbol or a picture to make your logo memorable.


Select fonts wisely

You need to be picky while selecting a font for your company because it speaks a lot about you. For a toy company, you can use written typefaces as the main focus are children but for the more serious company or brand, you should use the fonts that are suitable for the personality.


Your logo should be timeless

Want your logo to last long? Don’t create a trendy logo because when the trend goes by so as the logo. When you change your logo design, it can hurt people’s sentiments and they will be detached from it because of the variations in design. And when that happens, they are not going to respond to your brand kindly. Furthermore, when you start redesigning more often it gives a bad impression about your brand. For solving this problem of yours, you can contact a logo design agency for better design.

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