Digital Marketing

The Best Email Marketing Companies for Ecommerce

The first email marketing effort that we know of was conducted by Gary Thuerk. He targeted 400 email addresses to promote his company’s computers and ended up making $13 million by doing so in 1978! Consequently, he is also known as the father of spam, although, Gary argues otherwise.

Nowadays, email marketing has become a sophisticated resource, especially for e-commerce companies. For such companies to get the most out of their campaigns, most turn to experienced email marketing companies to carry out the bulk of the work.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at some of the best emails marketing companies that you can work with to build successful campaigns for your business. But before we do that, let’s refresh ourselves on what email marketing is all about.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is all about getting relevant and potential customers signed up to your email list. Once they are signed up, you can then send various promotional materials to attract potential customers into buying your products or services.

For instance, you can send emails to people on your email list about discounts you are running or new products or services that you offer. The big question is, how do you go about getting a prospective lead to become one of your customers?

What Is an Email Marketing Funnel?

An emails marketing funnel is a method that email marketers use to turn prospective leads into new customers. It’s typical that you will see emails marketing funnels work by:

  • Engaging the prospective lead
  • Allow the lead to discover your products or services
  • Directing the lead to purchase what you’re selling
  • Retaining leads by continual email updates

The above is a simplistic take on how an email marketing funnel works. In reality, email marketing companies use a wide array of techniques to achieve successful marketing campaign results.

What Is an Email Drip Campaign?

An email drip campaign involves you having a series of automated emails ready in waiting for a prospective lead that signs up to your email list. When they sign up, you switch on your drip campaign and begin sending a series of automated emails out to the prospective lead.

For example, you might have gotten someone to sign up to your email list by offering them a free “This Year’s Summer Fashion Essentials” guide. By knowing that the person is interested in buying trendy clothes for summer, you can tailor an email drip campaign that sends them exclusive discounts on some of the summer items mentioned in the guide, for instance.

Email Marketing Companies for Ecommerce

To ensure your emails marketing funnels and drip campaigns work well, it should be a priority to hire an experienced marketing agency to get everything done right. The issue is there are so many companies to choose from these days.

To help you out, here are four top email marketing options to consider:


The Hoth began in 2010 and has become one of the fastest-growing digital marketing agencies in America. They have an excellent reputation for delivering email marketing campaigns that pop. The HOTH has expertise in putting together carefully crafted targeted emails, that speak to the potential leads on your email list, and inspire them to take action.

The company name is an acronym for “Hittem Over The Head!” We can assume this means in a figurative sense that they produce content that stands out from the crowd and shocks potential leads into action.

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Another great thing about this company is they can handle various other aspects of your e-commerce website and online marketing needs. For instance, they can do SEO work, PPC marketing, and more. You can check out their reputation on Trustpilot to see what customers say about them.


Hubspot is another digital marketing agency, similar to The HOTH in that it offers various services. One of those services is a specialization in email marketing. 

Alongside their services, HubSpot offers some interesting analytics info. However, some of their customers in the past have made it clear they are paying a lot of money for other services this company offers and not getting what they want.

If it’s just emaild marketing you want, they have a strong reputation in this sphere of things. We recommend you check out their reviews on Trustpilot to see how they are performing now.


Mailchimp is an excellent choice if you want to just focus on email marketing for your e-commerce business. They do have a free plan which is rather limited, but the monthly options are worth consideration.

The company offers you A/B testing as part of their more advanced services. Plus, their campaign tracking is decent, but not as in-depth as, say, what a company like The HOTH offers. The best thing about Mailchimp is it’s great for e-commerce owners who have everything else in place, like their SEO but wish to make a dent with their email marketing campaigns.


Moosend is an emails marketing tool you can use to help you improve your email marketing campaigns. You can start using their tools for free but then go on to pay a monthly subscription.

It’s an affordable emails marketing tool to use. However, you might not get some of the expert services that other email marketing companies can offer.

Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns Pop

If you are searching for the best email marketing companies around right now, then consider the ones we’ve just mentioned. For in-depth campaigns which compliment your SEO and PPC marketing, then The HOTH is an outright winner for us!

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