
7 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Product Photography

It may be a forgotten aspect of marketing and business development, but product photography plays a significant role in the overall growth of an ecommerce website.

When customers shop for their products on a website, they do so without touching, smelling, tasting, or holding the item. Instead, shoppers are left with only a few images of that product to help convince them to buy. Because of this, sales on an online store often rely on the quality of the product images.


Generally, customers prefer product images that draw their attention, are appropriate, high-quality, and provide an actual glimpse of the item.

These qualities improve the customer and seller’s trust and give the customer more confidence when buying.
If you’re struggling with your conversion rate, we suggest you consider your current images.
whether you should opt for higher quality ecommerce product photography.


While there are several places to get this kind of service, a notable one would be a famous photography studio in Hong Kong, which help online retailers sell products on their ecommerce websites. RH-Studio’s goal is to capture realistic and natural photos of products.


However, if you’re looking for ways to improve your product photography by yourself, we have seven tips and techniques below to better your images and help grow your online business.


Why is High-Quality Important?


Before discussing our tips for better photos, a question needs to be explored first. Why does the quality of a photo affect its customer reception? Simply put, an image that’s out of focus, blurry, and pixelated fails to give your customers a clear idea about the product, its features, and whether the store can be trusted. As a result, these aspects promote a negative user experience and should be avoided at all costs.



Selecting the Right Equipment


Before you’ve even taken the picture, you should be opting for the right equipment that’ll help ensure clear and attractive product images. Over the last few years, digital cameras have become a popular choice for ecommerce photography; however, not just any camera will do.


When buying a camera, you should priorities those that can attach an additional light source and has optical zoom lenses. Not only that, but product photography demands a digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR)that can swap lenses, use different camera modes, has a large storage capacity, and so on.


Avoiding the technical terms, you need to make sure your camera has enough varied features to create unique and well-constructed photos while also providing clear, sharp, and high-quality images.


According to RH-Studio a digital creative studio we mentioned earlier, you should consider a tripod stand to stabilize your camera better when taking images. This is because any minor movement when holding your camera can ruin your hard work. On top of that, customers don’t want to buy a product with a lopsided photo.


Use a White Background


The background of a product photo plays a crucial role in catching the eye of potential customers. A cluttered background affects how professional the store appears and distracts viewers from the focus (the product).


Selecting a white background for your photographs ensures there’s no chance for distraction. It can be as easy to do as spreading/hanging a white sheet or fabric against a wall, though you’ll have to take care to avoid creases. Not only will your photos appear clear and more professional, but they’ll also provide a consistent image across your store if every product uses the same background.


Capture Photos with a Large File Size


A product photo needs to be high quality, meaning there’s no distortion, and the photo is crisp, with plenty of detail. Larger photos boast larger file sizes, and typically, the larger the file size, the higher the quality. This is partly because larger photos/files have more megapixels, which help capture more detail. Additionally, with a large photo, you can also crop and resize it to better fit your needs without sacrificing image clarity and resolution.


Select The Right Room


We’ve already discussed avoiding blurry photos and the benefits of using a white background. However, the room you’re taking photos in can help or harm your images, depending on its lighting.


To avoid less than ideal lighting, try shooting in a room with large windows that draws in plenty of light. Not only will you have a bright and clear photo, but natural light is softer and easier on the eyes, while the darker shadows help create a strong contrast.


Use Photo Editing Software


Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your image may still have some issues after being taken. There’s no need to despair though, that’s what photo editing software is for. There are plenty out there, but you need something best suited for your products.


Adobe Lightroom is a well-renowned software that edits your photos to improve their look and quality. In addition, it helps avoid detail compression, making it ideal for ecommerce websites and social media uploading.



Provide a Diagram to Help Explain Your Product


Sometimes it can be difficult to showcase the features of your product through an image. This is especially true if these elements are hidden or invisible from the outside. If this is the case, even the most impressive photo in the world won’t guarantee sales.


There is something you can do about this, however. By providing a product diagram that shows the design alongside an explanation of its features, you can improve interest in the product and better the chances of customers buying it.


Take Advantage of Different Angles


You can tell a lot about a product from its picture, but sometimes one picture isn’t enough. It may be that you need several different angles to show off features and the design of your product.


By taking advantage of the angles you use, you can increase the amount of information you give your customers without boring them with lengthy text descriptions.


Additionally, different angles can also help customers visualize the size or volume of the item you’re selling and whether it’s appropriate for their needs.




Product photography can be a difficult task and requires a different kind of finesse than other photography types. Using product photos to convince potential customers to trust and believe in your product requires experience, technical skill, and a marketing mindset.


Some may prefer to outsource this element of their ecommerce store, while others are happy to teach themselves the dos and don’ts of product photography. Either way, the tips we’ve discussed in this post are sure to help you create a professional and appealing online store.


As always, if you have any queries or comments, feel free to share them in the comment section below.

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