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Doug Kleinsmith Says Philanthropy Is More Important Now Than Ever Before

Philanthropy is something that the world needs more of. In particular, the world needs philanthropy now more than ever. According to successful business professionals, such as Douglas Gerard Kleinsmith, the world is in desperate need of people who are willing to give back to those around them. There are a number of major crises facing the world today, and unless people are willing to work together, the world may have a difficult time remaining intact. What are some of the biggest reasons why philanthropy has become so important in the current environment?

Major Medical Crises

One of the major reasons why people should consider giving back to those around them is that there are major medical crises popping up left and right. Even though many people have put the coronavirus pandemic in the rearview mirror, there are still plenty of countries that are struggling with this issue. In addition, there are viral outbreaks of all types happening in third-world countries. There are some countries that are having a difficult time eradicating diseases that the developed world vaccinated its way out of decades ago. This is a perfect opportunity for people to give back to medical nonprofit organizations.

A Major War in Europe

In addition, there is a major war in Europe. According to Doug Kleinsmith, this war has led to a number of supply chain issues, and it has played a role in exacerbating inflation. Even though people need to think twice before they travel directly to Ukraine, there are ways people can give back to those in need without flying into a war zone. People should consider reaching out to some of the largest nonprofit organizations in the world to see how they can help.

A Changing Climate

Without a doubt, one of the biggest issues facing the world today is climate change. The western part of the country is having a difficult time dealing with a dwindling water supply. There are lots of countries in Europe that are having a difficult time finding sources of energy, particularly with winter coming. Fires are completely out of control, and many people are concerned that they could be displaced from their homes. There are nonprofit organizations tackling climate change, but they cannot do it unless the rest of the world steps up to help out.

Looking to the Future and the Importance of Giving Back

Ultimately, these are just a few of the many reasons why philanthropy is so important. According to Douglas Gerard Kleinsmith, people do not need to be rich to be philanthropic. Even volunteering with a local nonprofit in the community can go a long way. When people are willing to spend time and money to give back to those around them, they make the world a better place. This benefits everyone. Even though the world has a number of challenges that it has to overcome, people who are willing to be philanthropic have the capability to change the world.


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