Ways to Prepare Current Affairs to Increase Marks in the Exam?

Now a days, the pattern of questions has been changed in the examination. It is seen that now most of the questions are based on current affairs. So, candidates should prepare for it in a good manner to secure maximum marks in the examination. The questions are based on the latest events integrated with the concept of static GK. In contrast, some candidates find it easy to score better marks in the exam as the questions are based on the latest events. According to them, such question papers require less rote learning and more understanding of the concepts.
Current affairs include information on the latest developments related to politics, economics, society, environment, science and technology, agriculture, etc. It is all-important for the examination as they are incorporated in the syllabus of the civil services examination. Without preparing for current affairs, it is quite impossible to even crack the prelims examination. The prelims examination comprises two papers namely, General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper II, also known as CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test).
Candidates can prepare this section from online as well as offline sources. The online sources are the multiple channels on youtube, various coaching websites, etc. The offline sources are newspapers, monthly magazines, etc. Candidates should prepare the notes so that they can revise them properly. It is important to revise the study material at regular intervals to keep the things in the memory for a long time.
What is the UPSC Exam Pattern for Prelims and Mains?
Prior to starting the preparation, candidates should refer to the UPSC Exam Pattern. It will let them understand the marking scheme, total questions, types of questions, etc. The exam pattern of prelims and mains examination is released along with the official notification. It describes the basic structure of the question paper. The exam pattern for the prelims examination and mains examination vary from each other. The prelims examination comprises two papers namely GS Paper I and CSAT.
The understanding of exam patterns helps the candidates in devising a proper study plan. With this, candidates can prepare for each subject in a good manner. They can also plan their approach to attempt the questions in the examination. The exam pattern describes the total questions and the total number of each section. The prelims examination comprises a total of 180 questions out of which 100 questions are from the GS Paper I and 80 questions from CSAT. Only multiple choice questions will be asked in the prelims examination. Candidates have to score a minimum of 33% of the marks to qualify the examination.
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The main examination has nine papers including optional papers. The first two papers are qualifying in nature wherein candidates have to score 25% of the total marks that is 75 marks out of 300 marks. The other seven papers are descriptive in nature and are conducted for 250 marks each. Candidates have to write answers for each question in 250 words. The duration of each paper is 3 hours. The merit list will be prepared based on the total marks secured by the candidates in the examination. Candidates who will qualify the exam are eligible for appearing in the interview. In the interview, the personality of the candidates will be tested. The final merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained prelims, mains, and interview.