Five SEO Tips For Home Services Brands

It’s no secret that SEO is the best way to attract new customers. However, it can be challenging for home services brands, who are often competing in niche markets with many competitors. This blog post will cover three actionable steps you can take to improve your site’s SEO ranking and therefore grow your customer base. 

  1. Optimize site content for SEO
  2. Focus on writing content specifically tailored to your audience so they know exactly what they’re getting when they come to your page.
  3. You should also make sure all of the keywords related to what you offer are included throughout the article or page; 
  4. this will help Google see that you’re an expert in this field and rank higher than other websites in SERPs

Professional SEO services are essential for every home service brand today to establish themselves as an authority in their area.

SEO can help businesses gain more traffic, leads, and sales. Moreover, it can also increase foot traffic for customers to shop.

1. Optimize your website for mobile

One of the most important things that you need to know in order to have your website be at its highest potential is that optimizing for mobile devices is key. 

You can’t expect your site to succeed if half of your visitors are using it on their phones, let alone not even being able to access information once they get there.  

It’s important to know that Google has been pushing for websites to be mobile-friendly as a result of the fact that more searches are done on phones than personal computers now.  

You can access information through your phone, remember, so it makes sense that they have shifted their standards so being able to see your site comfortably is important.

The main thing that you need to do in order to optimize your website for mobile is actually a pretty straightforward process.  

All that you have to do is make sure your site is formatted so it can fit on a small screen.  Many phones have different screen formats, so if your site is wider than the phone itself it will be impossible for them to access it.

 They should be easily seen and pressed so customers know where to go and what they’re clicking.

2. Use social media to reach out to potential customers

Social media is a great way to reach out to potential customers, therefore, improving business and getting your services out there. 

This process helps with SEO because social media sites have high page ranks, therefore when people share it on their account, you can get a link back to your site from the post.

This also links in with doing competitions on social media, this helps with SEO because it is another link to your website.

3. Get reviews from previous clients and post them on your site

When you are in business for yourself, it is important to get your name out there. The most common method for this is word of mouth.

Most canvassers are well aware that when they are asking their customers if they would recommend them to a friend or loved one, this is word-of-mouth advertising in its most effective form. 

People are more likely to recommend you if they had a great experience with your product or service.

However, it can also be beneficial to create your own word-of-mouth advertising. This is called testimonial marketing, and it works by allowing your previous clients to speak about their experience with you on your own website. 

This will add third-party credibility to your business, giving you an edge over other companies offering the same product or service while making you seem more trustworthy in general.

This can also have positive SEO results. When you get an article published on other sites or blogs, these articles will contain hyperlinks to your own site. This is valuable because the search engines look at it as an endorsement of your site, which can help you rank higher in their results pages for relevant keywords and phrases. 

The better ranking you have, the more people will visit your site and, by extension, become potential customers.

One way of getting articles published is through article marketing. 

Article marketing is the process of writing articles with the sole purpose of publishing them on other sites to get more visitors to your own website. 

The more good articles you have published on high-ranking websites, the better your own ranking will be on the search engines.

4. Create a blog with helpful tips for homeowners 

In today’s world, it is extremely important for homeowners to have a blog. The reason is that people are always looking for ways to maintain and take care of their homes. They are always looking for new ways to ;learn new tips and tricks on how they can do this themselves or what products they should be using.

One of the best things you can do when starting a blog is to help people. 

You can do this by creating a blog with helpful tips for homeowners regarding taking care of their home. 

The more informative and helpful your blog is, the better chance you will have of keeping visitors coming back.

5. Invest in pay-per-click advertising and Facebook Ads to increase the visibility of your home services brand online

SEO is organic and long-term, but for short-term results and establishing brand awareness in the beginning, PPC and Facebook are the best options.

Boosting your online presence in the early stages of establishing your brand is beneficial.

It is a good idea to start with social media ads, such as Facebook. Since they won’t cost you much, then you can move to Pay-per-click.


So, if you’re looking to grow your home services brand online, then we have a few ideas that could help. 

And while these tips can be effective on their own for any business. They are especially beneficial when applied by a company focused primarily on providing home-related services such as plumbing or carpentry. 

When searching for a plumber near me? A Google search will show you what people need from companies like yours. So make sure you :

  • optimize your website for mobile devices,
  • use social media to reach out to potential customers
  • Create helpful content about homeownership topics (like DIY projects!),
  • get reviews from previous clients and,
  • post them on your site with an easy way of getting customer feedback through surveys and social media.

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